Visit of Montmartre

and French culinary delights

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Visit of Montmartre and French culinary delights

Montmartre cheese and wine food tour

  • A village in the city : for a long time « la Butte » (« the Mound ») had the aspect of a village. Until the 1920s the presence of cows ensured the daily provision of fresh milk.
  • A vineyard far from the country : le « Clos Montmartre » (Montmartre’s enclosed plot ») carries on the long wine-growing tradition of Montmartre, a wine that would make you « jump like a goat »
  • Fun : cabarets, bals, open-air dance hall where you could drink champagne, wine or absinthe attracted the Parisians
  • Bread on the Mound, a big deal : in the past there were windmills to grind wheat and produce flour. Nowadays Montmartre counts many bakers who were awarded with the « best baguette of Paris » prize.

If you wish to try the combination of the most favorite flavours of the French : bread, cheese and wine there is no better place than Montmartre which still has a vineyard and remains very attached to the bread traditions. Montmartre is not just the post card image of the Mound topped with the Sacré Cœur basilica, it is as well a provincial looking place made of winding streets and where you can find little food shops and tasty addresses. Lose yourself with your tour guide during this gourmet tour.

During this tasty stroll, your foodies licensed guide will get you to experience the food and wine harmony. Which wine matches best with which kind of cheese and bread ? You will learn more about terroir , names and laws related to these specific flavours. This tour is an alchemy experience that will stimulate your taste buds. Don’t forget that « a meal without cheese is like a beauty with a missing eye ». Brillat Savarin


Tour 1: Classic Tour 2hrs


Daily except monday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed January 1, May 1 and December 25